Thursday, August 6, 2015

Long overdue update...

Let's just blame the summer on the fact that I haven't updated the blog in almost two months.
Can it really be August already?!

This summer Lana has been getting a reduced dose of chemo every week, with a week off every three weeks.  Did that make sense?
So she goes every Tuesday and after three in a row, she gets a week off.  She's not exactly sure how many rounds of this she will have to do before the radiation starts.  The doctor will decide after the next three rounds.

She feels pretty good except for a few rough days after the chemo.  Some of the common side-effects she has felt are dizziness, tiredness, nausea and lack of/change in appetite.  And a little brain fogginess.  Or was that happening before the cancer?  Just kidding, mom! ;)
You would hardly know it since she gets up and gets ready and looks cute everyday!!
She can't wait for this part to end.  It will be a happy day when chemo is over.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your prayers and support!! Our whole family feels it and appreciates it.  We knew our mom had a lot of friends but holy cow.  Cards, texts, meals, phone calls, messages, visitors.  It's been amazing!

This was on one of the weeks off when they went to visit Nat in California.


  1. You get up and get dressed every day??!! Wowza! I haven't done that since 1964! Im so proud of you girlfriend! Love your guts!!!

  2. What a trooper you are Aunt Lana. Keep up the good fight!!! And thanks Rach for the updates!

  3. And they deserve every bit of it. The giver is being given the opportunity to learn to receive a little! :) We so pray that all this will quickly pass and she can return to doing and giving as she so loves to do...Thank you all for your sweet and wonderful examples. We love you & continue to have you near in our hearts and prayers...Dale & Jody

  4. If it is any consolation Lana, I have the same side effects and I don't take chemo. Hang in there. You sure have a lot of people who love and care for you. I am one. That is Hansen

  5. Yay--I have been looking for an update and I have been wondering how that BFF of mine is doing. Thanks Rachita! Every pic I see of her I always think--man I wish I looked as good as she does. She is an amazing lady and I miss her every single day. Lana, you are always in my prayers dear friend. You are my champion and hero! Love you. HUGS!

  6. You look fabulous, Lana! My heart and prayers continue with you. Big hugs! Cindy Skidmore Gillman
